

Compiled by Simona Sharoni  ( and edited/updated by Julie Mertus. This list grew from another by Lynne Woehrle, published in Women’s Studies Quarterly (1995).

 Please note that the bibliography is divided into the following categories (and work is found in only one place, although it could be categorized as belonging in more than one).
Gender and Feminist Theorizing in/about International Politics
Gender & Conflict
Gender and Nationalism
Women’s Organizations and Movements (focus on peace and conflict transformation)
Militarization and Masculinity (also see Gender & Conflict)
Webpages (usually of specific documents)

Gender and Feminist Theorizing in/about International Politics

Adams, Judith Porter. 1999. Peacework: Oral Histories Peace, Twayne Pub.

Carter, Susanne. 1993. War and Peace through Women's Eyes, New York: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Dallmeyer, Dorinda G., ed.  1993.  Reconceiving Reality: Women and International Law, Washington DC: ASIL.

Enloe, Cynthia. 1989. Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics, Berkeley: University of California Press.

____________. 1993. The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Eisenstein, Zillah. 1996. Hatreds: Racialised and Sexualised Conflicts in the 21st Century, New York, NY: Routledge.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke and Sheila Tobias, eds. 1990. Women, Militarism and War: Essays in History, Politics and Social Theory, Savage, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Freeman, Marsha. 1999. “International Institutions and Gendered Justice,” Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 52 (2)(Spring): 513-532.

Henderson, Michael. 1994. All Her Paths Are Peace: Women Pioneers in Peacemaking, New Jersey: Kumarian Press.

Jacobson, Ruth. 1999. “Complicating ‘Complexity’: Integrating Gender into the Analysis of the Mozambican Conflict,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1: 175-187.

Kearney, Mary-Louise, ed. 1996. Women and the University Curriculum: Towards Equality, Democracy and Peace, Geneva: UNESCO Publications.

Lynn, Susan. 1993. Progressive Women in Conservative Times: Racial Justice, Peace and Feminism, 1945 to the 1960s, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Melman, Billie. ed., 1998. Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace 1870-1930, New York: Routledge.

Naples, Nancy. 1999. “Towards Comparative Analysis of Women’s Political Praxis: Explicating Multiple Dimensions of Standpoint Epistemology for Feminist Ethnography,” Women and Politics Vol. 20, No. 1: 29-57.

Nelson, Barbara and Najma Chowdhury, eds. 1994. Women and Politics Worldwide, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Okin, Susan Moller. 1999. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Peterson, V. Spike, ed. 1992. Gendered States: Feminist Revisions of International Relations Theory, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Peterson, V. Spike and Ann Sisson Runyan. 1998. Global Gender Issues, 2nd Edition. Boulder: Westview Press.

Pettman, Jan Jindy. 1996. Worlding Women: A Feminist International Politics, New York, NY: Routledge.

Rai, Shirin.  2001. Gender and the Political Economy of Development: From Nationalism to Globalization, London: Polity.

Sharoni, Simona. 1993. “Middle East Politics Through Feminist Lenses: Toward Theorizing International Politics from Women's Struggles.” Alternatives Vol. 18 (Winter): 5-28.

Tickner, J. Ann. 1992. Gender and International Relations, Columbia University Press.

Turpin, Jennifer and Lois Ann Lorentzen. eds. 1996. The Gendered New World Order: Militarism, Development and the Environment, New York and London: Zed Books.

Vanzant, Iyanla. 1998. Faith in the Valley: Lessons for Women on the Journey to Peace, New York: Simon and Schuster.

Visvanathan, Nalini, Lynn Duggan, Laurie Nisonoff, and Nan Wiegersma. eds. 2000. The Women, Gender & Development Reader, New York and London: Zed Books.

Warren, Karen J. and Duane L. Cady, eds. 1996. Bringing Peace Home: Feminism, Violence, and Nature (Hypatia Book), Indiana University Press.

Waylen, Georgina. 1996. Gender in Third World Politics, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Gender & Conflict

Addis, Elisabetta et al. eds. 1994. Women Soldiers: Images and Realities, New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Ager, Alistair, Wendy Ager, and Lynellen Long. 1995. “The Differential Experience of Mozambican Refugee Women and Men,” Journal of Refugee Studies, 8(1): 265-87.

Amowitz, Lyn; Reis, Chen; Lyons, Kristina Hare; Vann, Beth; Mansara, Binta; Akinsulure-Smith, Adyinka M.; Taylor, Louise; and Iacopino, Vincent.  “Prevalence of War-Related Sexual Violence and Other Human Rights Abuses Among Internally Displaced Persons in Sierra Leone.” American Medical Association 2002, reprinted in JAMA, January 23/30, 2002 Vol. 287, No.4

Anderlini, Sanam. 2001. Women, Peace and Security Audit: A Policy Audit From the Beijing Platform for Action to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and Beyond.

______________, Rita Manchanda and Shereen Karmali. 1999. Women, Violent Conflict and Peacebuilding: Global Perspectives

Ansary, Tamim. 2001. “Leaping to Conclusions: Well-meaning observers are making dangerous assumptions about Afghan women and their goals for the future.”

Arnot, Madeleine, Miriam E. David, and Gaby Weiner. 1999. Closing the Gender Gap: Post-War Education and Social Change, London: Polity Press.

Baden, Sally, ed. 1996. BRIDGE: In Brief—Development and Gender, Issue 3: Conflict and Development, Sussex, Institute of Development Studies.

______________. 1996. BRIDGE: In Brief—Development and Gender, Issue 4: Integrating Gender into Emergency Responses, Sussex, Institute of Development Studies.

Berg, Ellen Ziskind. 1994. “Gendering Conflict Resolution,” Peace and Change, 19(4): 325-48.

Buscher, Sarah, and Bettina Ling. 1999. Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams: Making Peace in Northern Ireland, New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York.

Burlet, Stacey and Hele Reid. 1998. “A Gendered Uprising: Political Representation and Minority Ethnic Communities,” Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 21 (March): 270-287.

Butalia, Urvashi. 1999. “Gender, Religion And Ethnicity In The Context of Armed Conflict And Political Violence In India.” At

Byrne, Bridget. 1996.  “Gender Conflict and Development: Volume I, An Overview,” BRIDGE Report no. 34, Commissioned by the Netherlands Programme on WID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

___________ et al. 1996.  “Gender Conflict and Development: Volume II, Case Studies (Cambodia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Somalia, Algeria, Guatemala, Eritrea),” BRIDGE Report no. 35, Sussex, Institute of Development Studies.

CARE, UK. 1997. Gender and Conflict in Sierra Leone. briefing5.htm.

Cervenak, Christine M. 1994. “Promoting Inequality: Gender-Based Discrimination in UNRWA’s Approach to Palestine Refugee Status,” Human Rights Quarterly, 16: 300-374.

Chikewendu, Eudora. 1997. “Women, Cooperation and Economic Recovery in Nigeria,”Dialectical Anthropology, 22(3-4): 353-71.

Chingono, Mark F. 1996. “War, Economic Crisis and the Emergence of the Grassroots War Economy,” pp. 71-126 and “Women, War and Change: An Ambiguous Legacy,” pp. 209-43, in M.F. Chingono, The State, Violence and Development: The Political Economy of War in Mozambique, 1975-1992, Aldershot: Avebury.

Choi, Chungmoo. 1997. The Comfort Women: Colonialism, War and Sex, Durham: Duke University Press.

Clinton, Hillary. 2001. “New Hope For Afghanistan's Women,” Time (24 November),8599,185643,00.html

Cock, Jacklyn. 1993. Women and War in South Africa, Johannesburg: Pilgrim Press.

___________. 1994. Colonels & Cadres: War & Gender in South Africa, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cooke, Miriam. 1994. Blood Into Ink: South Asian and Middle Eastern Women Write War, Boulder: Westview.

__________. 1996. War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Corrin, Chris. ed. 1996. Women in a Violent World, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Dirasse, Laketch. 1995. “Gender Issues and Displaced Populations,” in N. Heyzer et al, A Commitment to the World’s Women: Perspectives on Development for Beijing and Beyond, New York: UNIFEM, pp. 214-24.

Duany, Julia Aker, A gender specific approach to peace-building in Sudan.

Dunbar, Sia Regina. 1997. “Role of Women in Decision-Making in the Peace Process,” in S. Wolte, ed., Human Rights Violations against Women during War and Conflict, Geneva: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, pp. 12-18.

El Bushra, J. and E. Pisa Lopez. 1993. “Development in Conflict: the Gender Dimension,” Report of an Oxfam AGRA East Workshop held in Thailand, (February 1-4) Oxfam Publications.

____________________. 1994. “Gender, War and Food,” in J. Macrae and A. Zwi, War and Hunger: Rethinking International Responses to Complex Emergencies, London: Zed Books.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke. 1995. Women and War, Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Enloe, Cynthia. 2000. Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Ferris, Elizabeth. 1993. Women, War and Peace, Research Report No. 14, Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute.

Gardam, Judith Gail. 2000. “Protection of Women in Armed Conflict,” Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 22, No. 1.

Guanadason, Aruna, Musimbi Kanyoro, et al, eds. 1996. Women, Violence and Non-Violent Change, Geneva: World Council of Churches.

Harris, Adrienne and Ynestra King.  1989.  Rocking the Ship of State: Toward a Feminist Peace Politics, Boulder: Westview.

Hirschmann, David. 1001. “Women and Political Participation in Africa: Broadening the Scope of Research,” World Development, 19(12): 1679-94.

Howes, Ruth and Michael R. Stevenson, eds.  1993. Women and the Use of Military Force, Boulder:  Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Human Rights Watch. 1996. Shattered Lives: Sexual Violence During the Rwanda Genocide, New York: Human Rights Watch. At

__________. 1998.  Afghanistan: The Massacre in Mazar-i Sharif: Abductions of and Assaults on Women. (November 1)

__________.   1998. Indonesia: The Damaging Debate on Rapes of Ethnic Chinese Women.  At

__________.  1998. Sexual Violence as International Crime. At campaigns/kosovo98/seviolence.shtml

__________.  1999. Violence Against Women in Pakistan: Crime or Custom? At

__________.  2000. Rape Allegations Surface in Chechnya. At hrw/press/2000/01/chech0120.htm

__________.  2000. Rape as a Weapon of “Ethnic Cleansing”

__________. 2000.  Kosovo: Rape as a Weapon of War, Vol. 12, No. 3(D)(March). At

__________. 2000.  Owed Justice:  Thai Women Trafficked into Debt Bondage in Japan.  (September)

__________.  2000. Seeking Protection:  Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence in Tanzania's Refugee Camps

__________. 2001.  Humanity Denied: Systematic Violations of Women's Rights in Afghanistan,

__________. 2002.  Afghanistan: Return of the Warlords.  Threats to women's security and their rights.  (June)

__________. 2002.  Taking Cover: Women in Post-Taliban Afghanistan.

__________. Undated. Rape as a Weapon of War and a Tool of Political Repression

Hunt, Swanee and Cristina Posa. 2001. “Women Waging Peace,” Foreign Policy. (May-June)

Indra, Doreen Marie.  1989. “Ethnic Human Rights and Feminist Theory: Gender Implications for Refugee Studies and Practice,” Journal of Refugee Studies, 2(2): 221-41.   _________________. 1999. Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice.  New York: Berghahn Books.

Institute of Development Studies. 1996. Development and Gender In Brief, Conflict and Development. At

Jacob, Susie M., Ruth Jacobson and Jennifer Marchbank. 2000.  States of Conflict: Gender, Violence and Resistance, New York and London: Zed Books.

Juma, Monica. Unveiling Women as Pillars of Peace Building in Communities by

Kaffel, Hasebenebi. 1999. The Reintegration Efforts Of Demobilized Fighters In Eritrea: Gender Perspective. At

Kazuko, Watanabe.  1994. “Militarism, Colonialism, and the Trafficking of Women: ‘Comfort Women’ Forced into Sexual Labor for Japanese Soldiers,” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Vol. 26, No. 4. At

Keely, Charles B. 1992. “The Resettlement of Women and Children Refugees,” Migration World, XX(4): 14-18.

Krog, Antjie.  1999. Women Should Rule The World Before They Become Like Men. Because Truth Has A Gender. [Gender and South African Truth Commission] At

Kumar, Krishna. 1999. Intra-State Conflict And Women In Cambodia: Selected Findings. At

_________. 2001. Women and Civil War. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Lentin, Ronit. 1997. Gender and Catastrophe, London and New York: Zed Books.

Light, D. 1992. “Healing their Wounds: Guatemalen Women as Political Activists,” Women and Therapy, 13(4): 297-308.

Lindsay, Charlotte. 2001.  Women Facing War. Geneva: ICRC.

Lipsky, Sherry and Ky Nimol. 1993. “Khmer Women Healers in Transition: Cultural and Bureaucratic Barriers in Training and Employment,” Journal of Refugee Studies, 6(4): 372-88.

Lithander, Anna, ed. Engendering the Peace Process:  A Gender Approach to Dayton – and Beyond.

Lorentzen, Lois Ann and Jennifer Turpin. eds. 1998. The Women and War Reader, New York and London: New York University Press.

MacDonald, Sharon, Pat Holden and Shirley Ardener. 1987.  Images of Women in Peace and War: Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 

Marshall, Donna Ramsey. 2000. Women in War and Peace: Grassroots Peacebuilding, United States Institute of Peace, Peaceworks No. 34.

Martin, Susan Forbes. 1991. Refugee Women, London: Zed Books.

McAleese, Mary. 1999. Love in Chaos: Spiritual Growth and the Search for Peace in Northern Ireland, New York; London: Continuum; Cassell.

McKay, Susan. 1995. “Women’s Voices in Peace Psychology: A Feminist Agenda,” Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 1(1): 67-84.

____________. 1996. “Gendering Peace Psychology, “ Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2(2): 93-107.

McWilliams, Monica. 1995. “Struggling for Peace and Justice: Reflections on Women's Activism in Northern Ireland”, Journal of Women's History Vol. 6, No. 4/ Vol.7, No. 1: 13-35.

Mertus, Julie. 1997. The Suitcase: Refugees’ Voices from Bosnia and Croatia, Berkeley: University of California Press.

__________. 2000.  War’s Offensive on Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan, West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.

Meyer, Mary & Prugl, Elisabeth, eds., 1999. Gender Politics in Global Governance, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Moghadam, Valentine M. 1994. “Building Human Resources and Women’s Capabilities in Afghanistan: A Retrospect and Prospects,” World Development, 22(6): 859-75.

Moore, Erin. 1998. Gender, Law, and Resistance in India, Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

Morgan, Valerie. 1995. “Peacemakers? Peacekeepers? Women in Northern Ireland 1969-1995”, A professional lecture given at the University of Ulster (October). women/paper3.htm

Moser, Caroline and Cathy McIlwaine. 1999. Gender and Rebuilding Social Capital in the Context of Political Violence: A Case Study of Colombia and Guatemala.

New York Times, Opinion. 2001. "Liberating the Women of Afghanistan”, New York Times (24 November)

Niarchos, Catherine N. 1998.  “Women, War, and Rape: Challenges Facing The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,” Human Rights Quarterly. demo/human_rights_quarterly/17.4niarchos_outline.html

Nnaemeka, Obioma. 1997. “Fighting on all Fronts: Gendered Spaces, Ethnic Boundaries and the Nigerian Civil War,” Dialectical Anthropology, 22(3-4): 235-73.

Nordstrom, Carolyn. 1997. Girls and Warzones: Troubling Questions, Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute.

Northrup, Terrell A. 1990. “Personal Security, Political Security: The Relationship among Conceptions of Gender, War and Peace,” Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, 12: 267-99.

Olsson, Louise and Torunn L. Tryggestad, eds. 2001. Women and International Peacekeeping (The Cass Series on Peacekeeping, 10), New York:  Frank Cass.

Pankhurst, Donna and Sanam Anderlini. 2000. Mainstreaming Gender in Peacebuilding: A Framework for Action.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) 2000. “War Related Violence in Sierra Leone”

Reardon, Betty A. 1993. Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global Security, New York: State University of New York Press.

______________. 1996. Sexism and the War System, New York: Syracuse University Press

Sesa, Kadi. 2002. “FT Interview with Kadi Sesay” News and Analysis (March 25)

Sharoni, Simona.  1994. “Homefront As Battlefield: Gender, Military Occupation and Violence against Women,” in Tamar Mayer, ed., Women and the Israeli Occupation: The Politics of Change, London: Routledge.

__________. 1995. Gender and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Politics of Women’s Resistance, New York: Syracuse University Press.

___________. 1998. “Gendering Conflict and Peace in Israel/Palestine and the North of Ireland,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies Vol. 27, No. 4: 1061-1089.

Skjelsbaek, Inger. 1997. “Gendered Battlefields:  A Gender Analysis od Peace and Conflict” (PRIO Report 6/ 97)

______________ and Dan Smith, eds. 2001. Gender, Peace and Conflict, London: Sage Publications.

Sorensen, Birgitte.  1998. Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Issues and Sources. DIANE Publishing.

Stephen, Lynn. 1995. “Women’s Rights are Human Rights: The Merging of Feminine and Feminist Interests among El Salvador’s Mothers of the Disappeared (Co-Madres),” American Ethnologist, 22(4): 807-27.

Stiehm, Judith Hicks.  1990. Arms and the Enlisted Woman, Philadelphia:Temple.

_________________. 1995. “Men and Women and Peacekeeping: A Research Note,” International Peacekeeping, 2(4): 564-69.

Stiglmayer, Alexandra, ed. 1995. Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.

Sturdevant, Sandra Pollock and Brenda Stoltzfus. 1992. Let the Good Times Roll: Prostitution and the U.S. Military in Asia, New York: The New Press.

Sweetman, Caroline, ed. 1998. Violence Against Women, Oxford: Oxfam Publications.

Tessler, Mark and Ina Warriner. 1997. “Gender, Feminism and Attitudes towards International Conflict: Exploring Relationships with Survey Data from the Middle East,” World Politics Vol. 49, No. 2: 250-280.

Turshen, Meredeth and Clotide Twagiramariya. eds. 1998. What Women Do in War Time: Gender and Conflict in Africa, London and New York: Zed Books.

Ucarer, Emek  M., 1999.  Trafficking in Women: Alternate Migration or Modern Slave Trade? In Mary K. Meyer and Elisabeth Prügl, eds., Gender Politics in Global Governance, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Urdang, Stephanie. 1989. And Still They Dance: Women, War, and the Struggle for Change in Mozambique, London: Earthscan.

Waller, Marguerite R. and Jennifer Rycenga, eds. 2001.  Frontline Feminisms: Women, War and Resistance (Gender and Global Politics, Vol. 5), New York: Routledge.


Gender and Nationalism

Aretxaga, Begona. 1997. Shattering Silence: Women, Nationalism, and Political Subjectivity, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Blom, Ida et. al. eds, 2000.  Gendered Nations: Nationalisms and Gender Order in the Nineteenth Century, New York: New York University Press.

Bracewell, Wendy. 1996. “Women, Motherhood and Contemporary Serbian Nationalism,” Women’s Studies International Forum Vol. 19, Nos.1/2 : 25-33.

Brinker-Gabler, Gisela and Sidonie Smith, eds. 1995. Writing New Identities: Gender, Nation, and Immigration in Contemporary Europe, University of Minnesota Press.

Cockburn, Cynthia. 1998. The Space Between Us: Negotiating Gender and National Identities in Conflict, London and New York: Zed Books.

Funk, Nanette and Magda Mueller. eds. 1993. Gender Politics and Post-Communism, London and New York: Routledge.

Gocek, Fatman Muge and Shiva Balaghi, eds. 1994. Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity and Power, New York: Columbia University Press.

Kim, Elaine H. and Chungmoo Choi.  1997. Dangerous Women: Gender and Korean Nationalism, New York : Routledge.

Kleib, Uta. 1997. “Gendering of National Discourses and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” European Journal of Women’s Studies Vol. 4, No. 3: 341-351.

Layoun, Mary.  2002.  Wedded to the Land?  Boundaries & Nationalism In Crisis,  Durham: Duke.

Lutz, Herma, Ann Phoenix and Nira Yuval-Davis. 1995. Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism, and Gender in Europe, London: Pluto.

Mayer, Tamar.  1995. Gender Ironies of Nationalism, New York: Routledge.

Mertus, Julie. 1994. “Women and the Creation of National Identity,” Hastings Women’s Law Journal Vol. 5, No. 1.

__________.  1996.  “Gender in the Service of Nation: Gender Implications of Citizenship in Kosovar Society,” Social Politics Vol. 3, No. 2/3.

__________. 1999.  “Contested Terrains: National Identities’ Role in Shaping and Challenging Gender Identity: Women in Kosovo,” in Sabrina P. Ramet, ed., Women, Society and Politics in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, University Park, PA, Penn State.

McClintock, Anne and Aamir Mufti and Ella Shohat, eds. 1997. Dangerous Liaisons : Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives (Cultural Politics, Vol 11), University of Minnesota Press.

Moghadam, Valentine, ed. 1994. Identity, Politics and Women: Cultural Reassertions and Feminisms in International Perspective, Boulder: Westview Press.

_______.  1994. Gender and National Identity : Women and Politics in Muslim Society, London: Zed.

Pickering, Jean and Suzanne Kehde, eds. 1997. Narratives of Nostalgia, Gender, and Nationalism.  New York: New York University Press.

Sailer, Susan Shaw. 1997. Representing Ireland: Gender, Class, Nationality, Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Sales, Rosemary. 1997. Women Divided: Gender, Religion and Politics in Northern Ireland, New York: Routledge.

Sharoni, Simona. 1994. “Feminist Reflections on the Interplay of Racism and Sexism in Israel,” In Ethel Tobach and Betty Rosoff, eds., Racism and Sexism: A /Challenge to Genetic Explanations, New York: The Feminist Press. pp. 309-331.

Taylor, Diana. 1997. Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's 'Dirty War’, Durham: Duke University Press.

Wilson, Fiona and Frederiksen, Bodil Folke. 1995. Ethnicity, Gender, and the Subversion of Nationalism, New York: Frank Cass.

Yuval-Davis, Nira. 1997. Gender and Nation, London: Sage Publications.


Women’s Organizations and Movements (focus on peace and conflict transformation)

Alonso, Harriet Hyman. 1993. Peace As a Women's Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women's Rights, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Alvarez, Sonia. 1990. Engendering Democracy in Brazil: Women's Movements in Transition Politics, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Bystydzienski, Jill, and Joti Sekhon, eds. 1999. Democratization and Women’s Grassroots Movements,   Indiana University Press.

Calman, Leslie. 1992. Toward Empowerment: Women and Movement Politics in India, Boulder: Westview.

Dandavati, Annie G. 1996. The Women's Movement and the Transition to Democracy in Chile, New York: P. Lang.

Dixon-Mueller, Ruth. 1993. Population Policy and Women's Rights, New York: Praeger.

Eisen, Arlene. 1984. Women and Revolution in Vietnam. London: Zed Books Ltd.

Emmett, Ayala H. 1996. Our Sisters' Promised Land: Women, Politics, and Israeli-Palestinian Coexistence, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Fourth World Conference on Women. Platform for Action, Sections on Women and Armed Conflict. At

Korac, Maja. 1998. Linking Arms: Women and War in Post-Yugoslav States, Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute.

LaTeef, Nelda. 1997. Women of Lebanon: Interviews with Champions for Peace, New York: McFarland & Company.

McKay, Susan and Dyan Mazurana, 2001. Raising Women's Voice for Peacebuilding: Vision, Impact and Limitations of Media Technologies. media.pdf

Mertus, Julie. 2000. “The Kitchen Cabinet,” in Marguerite R. Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, eds., Frontline Feminisms: Women, War and Resistance (Gender and Global Politics, Vol. 5),  New York, Garland. 

Mertus, Julie annd Pamela Goldberg. 1994. “A Perspective on Women and International Human Rights after the Vienna Declaration: The Inside/Outside Construct,” New York University Review of International Law & Policy Vol. 26: 201.

Naples, Nancy A. 1998. Grassroots Warriors: Activist Mothering, Community Work, and the War on Poverty, New York: Routledge.

Negar was created by Afghan and French women as an answer to the messages of distress sent by women of Afghanistan and caused by the negation of their status of human beings, the interdiction of all public life and the devastation of their living conditions under the Taliban laws.

Pershing, Linda. 1996. The Ribbon Around the Pentagon: Peace by Piecemakers, Washington DC: The American Folklore Society.

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

RAWA is a political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan.

Roseneil, Sasha. 1995. Disarming Patriarchy: Feminism and Political Action at Greenham, Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Rupp, Leila. J. 1997. Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Sales, Rosemary. 1997. “Gender and Protestantism in Northern Ireland”, in Peter Shirlow and Mark McGovern, eds., Who Are the People? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland, London: Pluto Press.

____________. 1998. “Women, the Peace Makers?” In James Anderson and James Goodman, eds., Dis/agreeing Ireland: Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes, London: Pluto Press.

Seidman, Gay. 1993. “‘No Freedom without the Women’: Mobilization and Gender in South Africa, 1970 –1992,” Signs vol. 18, no.2: 210 - 239.

Sharoni, Simona. 1997. “Motherhood and the Politics of Women's Resistance: Israeli Women Organising for Peace”, in Alexis Jetter, Annelise Orleck, and Diana Taylor, eds., The Politics of Motherhood: Activist Voices from Left to Right, London: University of New England Press. Pp. 144-60.

“Sierra Leone: Helping Women to Cope” from: International Committee of the Red Cross, 2001

Silliman, Jael. 1999. “Expanding Civil Society, Shrinking Political Spaces and the Case of Women’s Non-Governmental Organizations,” Social Politics Vol. 6, No. 1: 23-53.

Women's Alliance for Peace and Human Rights in Afghanistan

WAPHA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit and independent organization founded by Zieba Shorish-Shambley, Ph.D. Its main goal is to promote awareness of the tragic human rights situation in Afghanistan and to advocate for social, political, economic and civil rights of the Afghan women and girls in that country. Gross violation of basic human rights continues to occur in Afghanistan.


Militarization and Masculinity

Connell, Robert W. 1995. Masculinities: Knowledge, Power, and Social Change, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Goldstein, Joshua S.  2001.  How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa.  New York: Cambridge.

Gutman, Stephanie. 2001. The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects our Ability to Wage Wars.  San Francisco: Encounter Books.  

Kimmel, Michael, and Michael Messner, eds. 1995. Men’s Lives, 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Massad, Joseph. 1995. “Conceiving the Masculine: Gender and Palestinian Nationalism”, The Middle East Journal Vol. 49, No. 3.

Niva, Steve. 1988. “Tough and Tender: New World Order Masculinity and the Gulf War”, in Marysia Zalewski and Jane Parpart, eds., The “Man” Question in International Relations, Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 109-128.

Schachat, Steven and Doris Ewing, eds. 1998. Feminism and Men: Reconstructing Gender Relations, New York & London: New York University Press.

Sharoni, Simona. 2000. “Gendering Resistance within an Irish Republican Prisoner Community: A Conversation with Laurence McKeown,” International Feminist Journal of Politics Vol. 2, No. 2. At                                               

Zarkov, Dubravka. 1999. The Body of the Other Man: Sexual Violence and the Construction of Masculinity, Sexuality and Ethnicity. At



"Britons in sex-for-aid scandal" retrieved from BBC News 2002

Four Case Studies of Women’s Peacebuilding Experiences

1. The Impact of Armed Conflict on Women's Lives - Women In War: A View of Ethiopia.

2. From Armed Conflict to Peace - Women's Community Action in Northern Ireland.

3. Mothers Against Military Might: Activism in Israel.

4. Democracy & Peacebuilding - The slow birth of civil society: Cambodia's struggle for Democracy.

“Gender and Conflict in Sierra Leone,” 1997.Conciliation Resources, (with the support of Care UK, CONCERN Universal, Tear Fund, Actionadi, Merlin and Christian Aid). (September/October)

Gender Awareness in Kosovo: Getting it Right? A Gender Approach to UNMIK Administration in Kosovo

Gender Peace Audits:

Gender Peace Audit on the South Caucasus

Regional Peace Audit Project in Nepal: Women Building Peace Campaign, International Alert

A Psychosocial Model of Healing from the Traumas of Ethnic Cleansing

Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security

Short paper on the United Nations Security Council Resolution: Summary, Implications and Actions to be Taken.

Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Issues and Sources

Political Reconstruction:  Liberation Movements and Women's Liberation; Peace-Building Activities - Formal Negotiations.

Julie Mertus • Assistant Professor • American University • • (202) 885 - 1541